Viewer pane crash loading certain files


I come here to report a Dopus crash when viewing with the Lister viewer pane some kind of files like text files or exe files


Attached is the image of the message crash

Try disabling all viewer plugins except the text plugin. Do you still get the crash?

Yes, Disabling the other plugins and crash is gone.

Try re-enabling them a few at at time to pinpoint which plugin is having the problem.

Do you have any plugins installed which didn't come with Opus?

[quote="leo"]Try re-enabling them a few at at time to pinpoint which plugin is having the problem.

Do you have any plugins installed which didn't come with Opus?[/quote]

No, all came with Dopus.

I'll report back when I arrive to a conclusion.

It's the multiview plugin that causes the crash

Thanks for working out which plugin it was.

While the multiview plugin comes with Opus, it acts as a way to use third party viewers which aren't part of Opus. The crash will be happening in that third party code, so isn't something we can fix directly, but there is a way to get access to the same/updated viewers via a newer mechanism which should work better.

The multiview plugin is a 'legacy' thing these days, and you can gain access to the same viewers in Opus via the preview handler which comes with newer versions of Quick View Plus. (Forum thread about it here.)