Viewers keep failing

I'm having trouble viewing docs inside OPUS. My PDF viewer will fail and will require me to reinstall. My Word viewer is not working - I did a quick repair on the MS Office app and it worked one time before failing again. Please help me troubleshoot this.
Kind regards,

I'm assuming they also don't work if you try to view the same files in File Explorer's viewer pane?

Word and PDF viewers are not part of Opus itself. Opus just allows them to be used inside its viewer pane, the same way File Explorer does.

If they aren't working then they can usually be fixed by reinstalling / repairing the software they came from (e.g. MS Word, or Adobe Reader or whichever PDF viewer you use), but if they still don't work after that, and the same is true in File Explorer, then you'll probably need to ask the people who make them for support.

One thing you can check in Opus is that the file extensions are assigned to the correct preview handler, in case another program has taken them over in the registry. (Preview handlers are similar to double-clicking a file, in that different software can register themselves against an extension.) You can do that in Opus by going to Settings > Preferences / Viewer / Viewer Plugins, then configuring the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin near the bottom of the list.

There are differences in the behavior of File Explorer and DOPUS. I got DOPUS to display PDF, Word, Excel, JPG. But now the video playback doesn't work. File Explorer will display Word, Excel, and JPG but no PDF and video. The Active X + Preview + Office + Web includes the file extensions for the types of video I'm trying to preview. I've unchecked, applied, and rechecked this viewer to no avail.

See here for video playback in Opus:

Got everything working. Thanks for pointing me towards the settings.
Thanks Leo

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