Why is JOIN function so slow?


I use the join function of DOpus, to join several files into one big files and I noticed it was quite slow. So I installed a tool dedicated to do that, and here are the results:

  1. FFSJ 1.3.1: 34 sec
  2. DOpus 9.0.6: 3min 37secs

All tests were performed on the same machine with the same files... To be sure this hadn't anything to do with cpu load, hd being fragmented,.. I did the tests with a clean harddrive, and did it several times.

I used files of 10Mb and the result file was about 400Mb

Does the copy buffer option found in DOpus prefs has an impact in the JOIN function ?

It's really too bad I have to rely on an external program to join files...


PS: If you want to do your own tests, FFSJ can be found here: jaist.ac.jp/~hoangle/filesj/index.html (I used the Lite version for the tests)

There are a couple of things that might be causing this. I've sent a report to GPSoft asking them to take a look at speeding it up when they have time, so it isn't forgotten about.

From the Opus v9.0.0.7 release notes: