I thought, but can't recall with any clarity, that Directory Opus had either the internal capability, perhaps as a paid addition or some form of add-on, to handle basic pdf page file handling such as extracting specific pages or combining multiple pdf file selections. If so, would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction, and if not, would you please consider? Since abandoning a long-time relationship with PaperPort i have been scrambling for substitutions to provide similar capabilities, and rather keep the number of programs down to a minimum-
I am afraid that though i just purchased the "pro" version, i am at a bit of a loss on how to integrate both it and the button i just downloaded, into Directory Opus.
I apologize for being a bit thick; there is plain reference to "The menu button expects a "/pdftoolkit" DO alias that points to your PDF Toolkit installation folder.", but that might as well have been written in Martian for me - is there a simple tutorial on how to handle this?
Got the button in fine, set up the alias as i thought was correct, but when i select a couple pdf files then click the button down-arrow and select to merge, though i get a dialog asking for the name of the new file, nothing happens in the directory in which the two original pdf files reside.
If i did all correctly to upload the image, i included an image of my link attempt.
In case i failed miserably, the link name is:
and the folder is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFtk\bin
Go to Settings / Customize, then click the PDF Toolkit drop-down, right-click the Merge PDF command, and choose Edit.
Delete the first line from the function (it says @runmode hide). In its place, add a line that says @leavedoswindowopen.
Click OK to close the button editor and then OK to close the Customize dialog. Then try the function again. This time you should see a DOS window open (and stay open) which will let you read any error messages that may be displayed.
Thanks for that! It's most likely because you've included the / at the start of the alias name. Aliases are used with a / in front of them but you need to define it without that. If you change the alias name to pdftoolkit without the / I think it should work.
(This actually is really a bug on our part - we should handle that properly).
If anyone is still out there (...), whenever i use the Merge PDF command i have no idea as to where it is saving the merged file! Most of the time i am just using the Extract command, but as i am here, i thought i would ask for any input or advice anyone can share...