Custom shortcut for the +Everything FAYT search (empty search bar)

I'd like to rebind + to a key sequence to fully replicate FAYT Everything search, but I can't figure out a proper command for my keys.
I've tried cli QUICKSEARCH QUICKSEARCHENGINE=everythingglobal, but this expects a search query, so instead it searches for QUICKSEARCHENGINE=everythingglobal with Windows Search
It seems to me that you can't select an engine without any query, I'd like to just invoke an empty Everything FAYT (global or local like with -)

(meanwhile SendKeys workaround to send + or - could be used

var sh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");


What do you want to do exactly?

I want my key sequence to open an empty FAYT search bar with Everything Global or Local search engine instead of the default Windows Search engine.
So do the same thing that pressing + button does

Scripting works, misunderstood a bit how FAYT's display works!

var sh = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");

So just use or rebind the + button?

It will stop working when I get rid of all the single letters in FAYT after their proper rebinding is supported FAYT quick keys: allow two-letter sequences so that I would be able to freely search for +foldername or !HELLO! without risking triggering some of the many FAYT modes

That's why it's a workaround, not a solution

If I understand you, try the following:

  1. Install the script at Everything FAYT : FAYT Script for DO 13

  2. If Everything FAYT is set in Quick Keys as + then create a button that contains "@sendkey:+"