Directory Opus 12 Public Beta

An updated beta (12.0.2) is now available, which fixes a few glitches reported in some of the new features.

Summary of changes in 12.0.2 Beta

  • Fixed a crash that could occur on startup with certain malformed icon sets.
  • If the viewer toolbar is turned off it will now be automatically turned back on if the user selects a new toolbar in Preferences. Also the window menu of the viewer now has a command in it to toggle the menu bar on and off.
  • The filter toolbar fields which were removed in the 12.0 Beta have been resurrected.
  • Drive selector comboboxes on toolbars can now display drive labels in the combo itself, like they already did in the drop-down menu, if you add labels to their Args field.
  • Added RENAME PRESET command nofaves keyword.
  • The Properties SETLABEL command wasn't correctly handling clearing labels in one category (e.g. colors) while leave those in others (e.g. status) intact.
  • A button that runs Properties SETLABEL=blah was incorrectly generating a list of labels on the toolbar.
  • Improved default toolbar command to open an Explorer window, by using the full path to Explorer.exe.