Whenever 13 is released, will users be able to transfer things they have created or set up such as commands, filters, folder formats, etc.?
Of course.
It's very easy to run a new version using a config saved from the previous version, but then one may, probably will, be missing things new in the new version..
It's quite a slog to start with the new version and remember and find all customizations that have been done to the previous version.
I know Leo will say it's straightforward, but I'm not completely convinced.
See Details view with small thumbnails for some slightly misplaced discussion of the subject.
We'll be making some changes to the upgrade process in Opus 13 which should help here.
Any news on version 13 release date?
There isn't a date yet. We'll announce a public beta here when it's ready.
Hi Leo
Have you got any news about v13, please ?
It should be nice to share visibility on this next release
We'll announce it when we're ready to. We aren't yet.
I don't understand all the fuss around v13, it feels like many people want to update, just for update. Not in search of something particularly new. 12 is versatile, VERY customizable, what you miss people?
Can't come up with something THAT cool which could make this file explorer even cooler. Usually features users want are tiny pieces that can be done in other app, and people want have single app combine which does all of it.
Directory Opus 12 is from far the best file manager I never seen. I discovered it this month. I previously used the Windows explorer with Qttabar. Since Windows 8 Microsoft destroyed performance and bug are legion. Using Directory Opus changed my life.
I understand above all why people don't want to buy it if some month after they have to pay again half the cost to get update. There is not really have reason to ask major update for other case (except if you are waiting for a specific features)
In my case, the things I would like to see in a new version are more customisation in navigation pane. (I would like to add some root elements (Desk, Network, WSL) I currently have Home favorites and this computer. But I didn't found how to add the others elements I want. Aslo a it could be nice to have a real "Network" view whit possibility to customize computers icons, currently it just a frame that display content of legacy explorer with white background (even with a dark theme).
It's 2 feature I would like to see in directory opus future version.
Thank you making this awesome software ! I will buy it at the end of my trial, it deserve it !
Opus is wonderful in every way, but there are always things that can be improved.
- overall better handling of different dpi. for example scalable preferenses, customize and other windows in opus
- more different icon sizes in toolbars
- docked toolbars that do not fill the entire one edge
- built-in dark mode/theme from install.
- make all smart features more visible to new users.
- Download iconsets/themes inside dopus.
- Opus in desktop mode, replace desktop with opus. with or without replacing windows taskbar.
- Be able to use mouse buttons in hotkeys
- Opus for Linux.
I would like to see opus 13 soon and with lots of new smart features to play with.
This is true for me and I admit it, but that's because every new major Opus version so far came chock full of wonderful features and giant improvements, making me feel like a wide eyed kid in a toy store reading what's new and exploring it, and I bet other people who can barely wait have a similar sentiment.
Those windows already scale with (system) DPI.
It would be nice if it is possible to change the size of the text also in pref and other windows as in the listers themselves. Sitting with a 27" 1440p 125% scale in windows and the text is getting a little small. Use reading glasses so it's not that. Other programs also have small text, but I don't use these programs as much as I do with Dopus.
That’s different, but also planned.
Anyone who buys another file manager will truly be at a loss (as far as file managing goes). There's in fact no other competitor that comes close to the usefulness of DOpus.
I can't say I'm filthy rich (student), but I hope they charge millions for the next update cause I can't imagine using a PC without this program and I would buy the upgrade without even a blink.
I found this thread tonight because I was curious. To all those on the fence I say this: I’ve been using this software for years, and it’s absolutely worth every penny no matter what version or when you buy. Upgrades are free until the next major release, and those are usually quite a ways apart. You’ll get great value and I have no doubt you’ll get a good discount if the new release comes out shortly after you bought. Just buy the damn thing: it’s that good.
Where's the mason that can set these words in stone?
I just upgraded to DirOpus 13. So far the only issue I am having is my Drive icons and custom toolbars are all tiny and hard to read now. Anyone else had this issue? If so how did you fix it?
Something else I noticed is that the Right mouse button context menu no longer has "New File" and "New Folder".
Could be a DPI scaling issue. Please check Windows Compatibility Settings / Wrong DPI / Installer misdetects OS
If you still have problems, please start a new thread with details and a screenshot of what things look like.