Display any folder as Favorites Menu

Can a folder's current contents be displayed in real-time as a drop-down menu list with the ability to select and open any file or folder shown in its list?

I would like to easily create real-time menus from folder contents. This would make it easier to drag-n-drop items for drop-down menu type access.

This also provides a method for creating a global favorites menu solution if the drop-down list is pointed to a network shared folder.

See this and the other threads it links to:

I got it… Very COOL!!!

Thanks Leo :smiley:

Is it possible to hide the file extensions in the drop-down list?

Not as far as I can see.

In the drop menu - is there a way to open a particular directory within the cascading folders themselves without navigating further into them - to easily edit that directory level?

Add the button argument like in this example: Button-Explorer