EverythingDopus - A utility to integrate Everything with Directory Opus

I want to modify your script, but it seems to be done by the packaged plugin? :upside_down_face:

  1. Warning when there is no result, and do not open a new tab;
  2. Use time to name the collections, and the collections is placed in a folder such as EverythingDopus;
  3. Add query history.
    Fast search with Everything v2 - Buttons/Scripts - Directory Opus Resource Centre (dopus.com)

This warning is unnecessary for me. . .

Added Total Result count warning, if it's over 1000 matches

You can check the script here: https://github.com/TheZoc/EverythingDopus/blob/master/DirectoryOpus/EverythingDopus.js
Though it's mostly an interface between dopus and the utility, there's not much meat there right now.
The utility source code is in C and available in the same repository :slight_smile:

Oh, this is indeed nice - I'll add that for the next version.
Do you think a dialog popup is enough / appropriate?

Could you provide an example of the time format you mean? :slight_smile:
(I'm thinking about an ISO date)

I had no idea it was possible to nest collections. That's a great idea indeed :slight_smile:

Oh, that could cool to have! How hard it is to do that?
(Note: I'm not a fluent javascript person :confused: )

I still want to fine tune this to something that triggers when there's way too many results and slows down opus.
If you want to give it a try, search for a and you most likely will see opus struggling to handle about 1 million objects :sweat_smile:
Though I think 1000 is a quite small number for this warning. I want to bump it up :slight_smile:

Thanks for this, I was previously using SearchEverything but this is much much faster. Great work!

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You can copy some of the code I added in that script and modify it (I'm a scripting noob). :slightly_smiling_face:

dlg.request("[Everything]\r\n\r\nNothing found!","OK");
There would be another option if the developers could add a message to be displayed in the status bar. :smiley:

var Time = DOpus.Create.Date.Format("D#yyMMdd-T#HHmmss");
var colspec = "coll://"+"Everything\\"+Time;

Just copy and paste.

Search results rarely exceed 1000 items, all seem to be ok. (Just don't like too many warnings, don't care.)

Making the script configurable would be the best, but I haven't explored that area yet.

Oh, there's something that might've passed by unnoticed. Most of the utility is built in C, so some of the suggested changes would need a different approach :slight_smile:
The "bridge" script currently only forwards the query string to the C utility

Okay, lets go through the quotes (sorry, for some reason my browser is freezing if I try to quote :cold_sweat:)

  • The dialog with a message with zero elements found is easy to do

  • About the date, sorry I can partially read it, but it's in a format I'm not used to. I'll most likely will be using strftime(), so could you provide the output for your formatting string? (Use the date and time of your reply as an example if you can, please :slight_smile: )

  • Uhhh my apologies for my ignorance in the javascript world :sweat_smile: - I haven't touched web stuff for 15yrs+ now. I really don't know how to use the snippets provided or where to paste them, though I'd be happy to have a working example with the current version of the "bridge" script

  • Glad the warning doesn't bother you, as it is rarely hit :slight_smile:

I'll add the dialog and date soon-ish :slight_smile:

If it helps, the Opus scripting interface has a Date object which can convert dates to the format of the user's locale (or user's override of their locale in Preferences):


If everything is coming from the C program and then going through a script, the C program could use its own internal date format and the script could convert things on the way.


Adaptation "EverythingDopus v2.0 Beta 2":
User-defined commands: ev ev2 ecf eclip fb-tl
EverythingDopus.osp (136.8 KB)

Toolbar button:
EverythingDopus.dcf (1.1 KB)

Today I pushed 3 commits to the repository to add these features

  • Show a dialog and do not create a new collection if the search returns no results
  • Cleaned up the texts in the dialogs
  • Collections in directory opus are now created as coll://EverythingDopus/(timestamp) (regex) search string

Those are main features requested by @WKen

I haven't submitted a compiled binary yet as the last commit changes quite a bit of code, I want to make sure it's stable before I add new binaries - but if anyone wants to compile and give it a try, it's ready :slight_smile:


I haven't done anything about a new dialog yet - hopefully soon-ish.


Thanks @Zoc for this script. Is it possible to do a search only in the current folder (or subfolders) without typing the path?

Add \ to the path.

Thank you, although I don't quite understand what you mean.
Add \ along with the path where you want to search in the search box like you would in everything?
Or are you suggesting that I modify a file? What file would it be?

Download the script I posted in this thread?
EverythingDopus - An utility to integrate Everything with Directory Opus - Buttons/Scripts - Directory Opus Resource Centre

The supplied buttons allow you to do that.
Hover over it to see the shortcuts. By default, it should be Ctrl + F3

I was traveling for the past 3 weeks, I'll continue improving and adding requested features to the utility :slight_smile:

Thank you so much @WKen @Zoc

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@Zoc Awesome work, Zoc, thanks so much! There is one feature I would very much like, though. It's still not possible for Dopus to use Everything for folder size calculation, which is infinitely faster on Everything. Could this somehow be done through your addon? That's the only reason to still use Total Commander, since you can have Everything folder size calculation natively there.

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@peppo Thanks for your kind words :slight_smile:

It depends on how you want that feature to be implemented.
Displayed natively in DOpus? I don't think I'd have access to that.
Displayed as a popup? Yes, should be pretty easy, though it raises some usability questions.

Could you describe a bit more of what you want done, and how you plan the workflow to be?

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, I appreciate it! I use the folder calculation size all the time to see what folder I can move/delete to free up needed drive space. In Total Commander, I can either just tap Space on a single folder to see its (and its subfolders) file size (like you do with a hover in Dopus) or I can use a button for a function that shows the sizes of all folders in the directory in the file size column. So, I appreciate both the ease of use and the speed, since the calculations come from Everything and are instantaneous. A popup, in my opinion, would only make sense, if you could interact with the folders inside of it, since in TC I can sort the folders by file size and then decide and pick the largest to move/delete. Maybe a Dopus developer could chime in on this? Again, thanks for your time, Zoc!

That's available in Opus as well:

A script column could get folder sizes from Everything. For smaller folders, however, it will be slower than Opus itself because of the overhead associated with calling Everything.

Hey Ixp, thanks for dropping in! I know of the functionality, but it is infinitely slower than Everything for folders with a lot of content, for small folders it doesn't really matter anyways. E.g. on a Non-SSD conventional file size calculation for folders with 10s or 100s K of files might take minutes whereas through Everything it's almost instantaneous. Once you've dug into Everything a bit more, know some advanced syntax and so on, it really is absolutely irreplaceable in a lot of scenarios.