How to close the FIND dialog from a button

I have the following command bound to a button.

FIND CLEAR COLLNAME Playlist RECURSE IN {sourcepath} NAME *.m3u

How can I close the “Find” dialog from this function?

I don't think there is an automated way to close the dialog once the Find is done. Seems like a reasonable thing to add, though, especially given the example of what you're trying to do (make a button which updates a collection of playlists so you can pick an album to listen to).

Best thing to do is send GPSoftware a feature request using the form on their web page.

Thanks nudel,
I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. Off to submit a feature request.

did this ever come through?

No, I ended up using “nircmd” to close the window.

And here is my final button. I mostly use this to make sure I have created all the proper play lists when I'm tagging lots of albums.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both"> <label>Playlists in source lister</label> <tip>Display Playlists found in source lister</tip> <icon1>12</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>dopusrt /cmd Go Playlist OPENINDEST</instruction> <instruction>dopusrt /cmd FIND CLEAR COLLNAME Playlist IN {sourcepath} NAME *.m3u</instruction> <instruction>nircmd cmdwait 2000 win close title &quot;Find - Directory Opus&quot;</instruction> </function> </button>


nifty. i will try it. i am trying to make an auto-updating collection that searches keywords in the descirpt.ion file in order to make something like a 'virtual folder'. if ou have any further advice on how to go about it, please let me know.

ahhh... how do i implement your code? i figured i just added a new button and then put it in the 'function' (advanced) field. but if i do that and click on it, i get a 'cannot find <?xml>' error. lol. sorry for being such a n00b.

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cool yeah i figured it out.

I think this would be a convenient option to have right on the Find dialog with the existing stuff like 'Clear Results...' etc etc.


I was hoping for a more global solution that would allow any window to be closed.

Something like this:

Close window title “Find - Directory Opus”

On the other hand there is no point in adding functionality to DOpus that the majority of the users wouldn’t use, especially when nircmd works so well.


Why you can not use the QUIET argument ?


AlbatorIV, where were you two years ago. “QUIET” works perfectly! I don’t know how I missed that. Thanks for your help. I am also able to remove the “dopusrt” command from the code.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both"> <label>Playlists in source lister</label> <tip>Display Playlists found in source lister</tip> <icon1>12</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>Go Playlist OPENINDEST</instruction> <instruction>FIND CLEAR COLLNAME Playlist IN {sourcepath} NAME *.m3u QUIET</instruction> </function> </button>


you can use SHOWRESULTS=dest argument instead of Go Playlist OPENINDEST. :wink:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both"> <label>Playlists in source lister</label> <tip>Display Playlists found in source lister</tip> <icon1>12</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>FIND CLEAR COLLNAME Playlist IN {sourcepath} NAME *.m3u QUIET SHOWRESULTS=dest </instruction> </function> </button>

I think this code has reached perfection.
Thanks AlbatorIV.
