Line Icons & Colourful Ver

Simple line icon style【 Theme Download


There are individual differences between the final version and the preview

K-Menu.dop (81.8 KB)

Icons(Light Background)
Line-Icons.dis (147.6 KB)
Line-Icons-C.dis (255.6 KB)

Icons(Dark Background)
Line-Icons-Dark.dis (124.9 KB)
Line-Icons-Dark-C.dis (180.7 KB)


I like your clean icon set. Unfortunately it does not work with a dark theme. Would you please consider making a version that works with a dark theme?

Here is the original.


I am not convenient to test this, you can try it.
Icons(Dark Background)
Line-Icons-Dark.dis (124.9 KB)
Line-Icons-Dark-C.dis (180.7 KB)


and original:

Very nice. Good job :slight_smile: Thank you.

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Thankyou for this beautiful icon set.
I find the simple lines rendered soft and elegant,

I took the liberty of adapting the Colourful version of these to the default Directory Opus 12 Menu toolbar.
The Colourful Line Icons appear as a hovered dual image.
A few of the internal dopus icons were changed to better match, but only a few.

Menu - Colourful Line Icons Hover.dop (68.3 KB)

Here is the same with the default Directory Opus 12 Operations toolbar.

Operations - Colourful Line Icons Hover.dop (32.8 KB)