I have a multi-row floating toolbar docked at the bottom of one of my monitors.
Since installing DO10, this has turned into a single row, with a double chevron (? name ?) at the right-hand end, which when clicked, displays the rest of the toolbar items as a vertical popup menu.
How can I reinstate my multi-row setup, as in DO9?
There were some layout issues with multi-row docked toolbars, and also the problem where a toolbar was meant to be a single row normally, but when the screen resolution was changed (e.g. due to Remote Desktop from another machine), the toolbar would be squashed in one dimension and grow in the other, sometimes taking up a large amount of the screen. Another problem was that you could not use a full-width spacer to align items to the right/bottom, which now works due to the toolbars being restricted to a single line each.
Can you split the toolbar into two separate ones, one for each row?
(Hmm, there may be an issue with the toolbars not always opening in the same order after a restart. If splitting your toolbar into two separate ones solves the problem for you apart from that issue, I can fix that for a future update.)
[quote="leo"]There were some layout issues with multi-row docked toolbars, and also the problem where a toolbar was meant to be a single row normally, but when the screen resolution was changed (e.g. due to Remote Desktop from another machine), the toolbar would be squashed in one dimension and grow in the other, sometimes taking up a large amount of the screen. Another problem was that you could not use a full-width spacer to align items to the right/bottom, which now works due to the toolbars being restricted to a single line each.
Can you split the toolbar into two separate ones, one for each row?
(Hmm, there may be an issue with the toolbars not always opening in the same order after a restart. If splitting your toolbar into two separate ones solves the problem for you apart from that issue, I can fix that for a future update.)[/quote]
Hello Leo...
This is my Desktop toolbar. I hide my desktop icons, and populate this toolbar instead. It is set to auto-hide. It is currently 5 rows deep, with same-size buttons, each with a small icon and text description. It only takes up space on mouse-over. It is docked along the whole width of the bottom of the monitor, and as new buttons are added, they automatically flow onto extra rows if necessary.
In addition, one of the items is actually a folder name, and when clicked in DO9, it would open a popup menu. now, it is displaying its contents in a lister.
Hmm... Not sure what to do there. I'll have a think.[/quote]
Thanks Leo...
This toolbar represents for us (two desktops and one laptop) a significant improvement over the standard Windows interface. While desktop icons fall behind whatever windows may be open. items are added to this toolbar, by running Customize after a new icon has been added to the actual desktop. Thereafter, a simple mouseover brings the content of the desktop to view, while moving the mouse away tucks the toolbar out of the way.
That item must run an Opus command. What's it run?[/quote]
It is just a simple folder on the desktop. Its full path is C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Games. There is no command involved. On the toolbar, it shows simply as Games, and clicking on it in DO9 pops up the menu with all of the games in it. In DO10, it opens the folder in the current lister. Oddly, I have found that a double right-click will open the usual context menu, then replace it with the popup menu I am used to. I choose to edit the names to one- or two-word names. When viewed in DO, the entries are .lnk files. All of the entries are in alphabetical order, with the exception of the Games folder which comes first, at the left-hand end of the toolbar.
The current behaviour is quite unwieldy. if I open the popup overflow menu, then do not run something from it, it remains open on the desktop. My ideal solution (I think) would be an option setting to return to the DO9 behaviour. It has not caused problems for me in the past.
Heh, heh. I had just found that the nomenusel parameter had the same effect, but the dblclickmenu would probably be preferable. So, that fixes the Games menu behaviour.
Not really. The toolbar behaving in DO9 manner is far more efficient, neater, and leaves the desktop uncluttered. I did use the Windows QuickLaunch menu, which could be unlinked from the Taskbar, and docked independently, but that has gone now, and the DO9 mechanism was perfect for us.
As I said earlier, the DO10 behaviour is quite unwieldy, with its overflow popup remaining open on the desktop, if no selection is made. It also obscures the toolbar itself when it pops up. Also, once the number of entries exceeds the capacity of the height of the monitor, one is faced with scrolling.
A multi-row auto-flow solution is really far preferable.
I'm not against multi-row docked toolbars, and making them work again (without breaking taskbar-style single-row ones) fits into a more general project of overhauling the toolbar layout code to work better with non-docked floating toolbars. I can't promise when that'll happen, though, as I'm not sure myself.
I'm not sure what you mean there. If the overflow menu is opened it only stays open until you click the mouse. (If you click outside of the menu, it'll close without requiring a selection.)
That's something I meant to fix but didn't get to in time for the release. It's on my list.
I'm not against multi-row docked toolbars, and making them work again (without breaking taskbar-style single-row ones) fits into a more general project of overhauling the toolbar layout code to work better with non-docked floating toolbars. I can't promise when that'll happen, though, as I'm not sure myself.
I'm not sure what you mean there. If the overflow menu is opened it only stays open until you click the mouse. (If you click outside of the menu, it'll close without requiring a selection.)
That's something I meant to fix but didn't get to in time for the release. It's on my list.[/quote]
Thanks for that Leo...
My problem with the overflow popup relates to its obscuring the toolbar, needing a click elsewhere when no selection is made, compared with the smoothness of the mouseover mechanism, when the mouse is withdrawn, and needing a scroll mechanism when the list grows too long.
I'd still like an option to revert to DO9 behaviour. Just having acquired my DO licences, I really don't want to have to buy a third-party toolbar app as well.
That sounds downright ungrateful! Please ignore it.
I am amazed at the efforts you have been putting in since the launch. I expect you have not had a lot of sleep lately.
Meanwhile, I have implemented a work around I can live with until you have the time for the overhaul you talked about. I have sorted my desktop links into folders, like the one I was already using for games.