Multiple Status Icons Per File

I've had to redo my config of DOPUS from an ID 10 T error.

I've set up labels and Status for a folder but it will only let me put 1 status icon on the file. I do have 1 file that lets me put more than 1 status icon for some reason.

How do I have multiple status icon on each file?

This is probably what you're looking for to get that set up again:

Also, if you want to make buttons to toggle a single label/status, you can do that as well. For example, you could set up the most common ones on a top-level toolbar and have the full list inside a sub-menu to make best use of space vs speed:

Where do I find that?

There's one in the toolbars, inside the Properties button-menu. (To edit: Settings > Customize Toolbars)

A second one is in the context menu when right-clicking a file or folder. (To edit: Settings > File Types > All Files And Folders > Context Menu)

I'll add this to the other post as well to help anyone who finds that one instead of this.

Thanks Leo, that worked.

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Is there a way to instead of resetting the icons and have them all removed, you click on the same icon and it removes it?

That’s what adding “SETLABELTOGGLE” will do. It should be mentioned in the post I linked to.

Bugga, I didn't see it before.

Thanks again got your help.