I have just completed a reinstall of Opus 12.24 into the suggested default directory, on my C drive.
Now that I have my Directory Open install it properly. I am trying to do everything right, opening Opus and a Lister with an external command. So many people have tried to help me in the past, but here sit. I do know it's not the help I received that's the issue. It's me! I have done a lot of reading, as suggested by some but I just can't seem to find a topic that zeros in an opening a lister set. Even when searching our forum I come up short.
So far I have created toolbars and saved them (Save All Listers) naming LocationA-B.
I know the following works in Dragon 15.61 but no Lister Set:
Sub Main
AppBringUp "A:\UTY\Opus\dopus.exe"
End Sub
This as far as I got. Of course, this is before I reinstalled my C drive, so now my path will change.
Dragon is a program I am trying to accomplish this with. I want to do this inside of Dragon code before I do it the easy way in KnowBrainer. If I don't get a better understanding of the code in Dragon first, I'll still be behind the 8ball.
My whole problem is opening the Lister set when Directory Opus opens. Since I did a Save All Listers calling it "LocationA-B", I'm assuming I would be opening the Lister set called "LocationA-B.
I have tried to accomplish this several times in the past 5+ years. I wish it was as simple as saving a set of toolbars with a lister name and saying " Open Lister LocationA-B", but it's not. Well, I guess we can't have everything.
I tried several different ways with moving "" around, including the following: I get an error (File Not Found). I know the path to DOpusRT.exe is right but not a clue as to where LoctionA-B might be.
Sub Main
AppBringUp "C\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\DOpusRT.exe""/cmd Prefs LAYOUT=LocationA-B"
End Sub
No luck I get this: Please correct syntax errors before saving a Macro.
This the same error I got from last week:
The only way I could save the macros is by using this:
AppBringUp "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\DOpusRT.exe""/cmd Prefs LAYOUT=LocationA-B" Note .exe"" (No Space)/cmd
But it doesn't work.
I'm using Opus - Manage Custom Commands
That command syntax looks wrong, as you have quotes in the wrong places, but I have no idea how Dragon works. We can give you the Opus command-line you need to run, but you may need to ask them for help on how to make their tool run a command with arguments.
The Bucks won and so did I. Thinks. I did not need to go any further than this code. I spoke the name " Layout LocationA-B and Opus opened up. Perfect! I was making it so hard when Opus made it so easy. 123 done!