Same here, I just want to give you guys more money already and buy my extra license.
My Directory Opus 13 Beta Certificate will run out in 51 days.
Will the option to buy a new certificate be available before then?
If it isn't, we'll extend them. Don't worry.
Hopefully we'll see a stable release soon! It's been pretty bug free for me, however Opus is so complex that I'm sure I just haven't found the bugs!
i just purchased in June 2023. i will be upset if i have to pay for the upgrade when i haven't even owned the product 6 full months yet. that to me, would be a dealbreaker and i would probably switch to a different product.
Any ballpark idea on how much the upgrades are going to cost. I want to set aside some money for December given that the beta certificate expires at the end of the month.
Pricing and time windows aren't set yet; I don't know myself!
The certificates will be extended if needed.
Do you know if when 13 stable is released we'll have a time window to upgrade by or if we'll have to purchase right away to continue to stay on 13.
Currently we are targeting a release date of mid-January. If you go to Help -> Licence Manager, you should now be able to update your certificate to last until the end of January by clicking the "check for updates" link:
(If that fails, the Obtain Beta Certificate page will give you a new certificate if you put the same registration code in that you used previously).
Thanks Jon! I just want to give you guys money already!
Just checked and my beta licence updated automagically. Brilliant!
Cool, thanks!
While that's a fair opinion, I don't know if you'd have to upgrade.
@Leo What are the plans for supporting v12, including feature updates, post v13 release?
Why would I want to stay on an older version that lacks a lot of features that I would like to have? Mainly the autocomplete in the script editor. I've had to switch back to the v12 from the v13 beta while my virtual machine is being rebuilt. There are quite a few features I want. However, it may be a moot point since I'm having to fight tooth and nail with the new IT company to even be able to keep Directory Opus installed. Most likely will have to purchase my own my PC to be able to use it. I have come to rely on it for everything and it's like their trying to make me work with my hands tied behind my back!
Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that
I thought you'd only had experience with v12, at which point I'd say you weren't losing anything. But it looks like discounts will be available either way, so you shouldn't end up in too bad a place.
More importantly, good luck and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your company allowing you to keep using things like DOpus and be your most productive, empowered and unhindered self!
If it comes to it, I'll have our President talk to them and explain that we will need to hire new people to help me if I can't use my scripts to help process the tons and tons of ppw I deal with every day. It's not only Directory Opus they want to take away, but they want to disable Powershell and remove AutoHotkey too. I can't function without these things. They'll have a rude wake up call when they have to start hiring new people to take stuff off my plate. Not enough hours in the week to get everything done manually by myself.
I hate hearing the rough spot you're in at your job regarding the IT policies and whatnot that are bogging you down. I was a substance abuse counselor for 6 years and I had a caseload that was so large that I absolutely had to use Autohotkey like programs (I was using PhraseExpress but essentially the same concept). There was so much frigging paperwork and documentation requrired of me and the level of detail expected was driving me insane until I worked smarter not harder and used those programs. And then one day someone got a promotion. And then someone was fired. And then all this stuff started getting changed that didn't need to change and suddenly I could no longer use my software without the IT people acting like I was in cahoots with North Korea. I had to pretty much go as far as what you were saying in order for someone to finally see that this one simple program was allowing me to do the work of 2, no, nearlly 3 other counselors. If they wanted to keep their huge profit margins, huge caseloads, and perpetually overworked employees continue as usual, they'd have to relent and allow it's usage. Eventually, they did, but acted like they were doing me a favor, like paying a livable wage or actually provide treatment to the clients. They tried to increase my caseload to almost 90 people i'd be required to manage - note I did not say care for. I wasn't counseling, just finding efficient ways to move bodies through my office and document the hell out of it.
I'm no longer a counselor, working for myself now. Said all of that to basically say "I understand where you are at - hang in there".
When I first read this I read "I was a substance abuser for 6 years".
I work in the IT dept at my job and I'm one of the few people to pretty much install what I want within reason as long as I keep it patched and it's legal.
I guess that can change the tone of my response? lol
It always helps to have people that actually know what they are doing in critical positions such as network admin. This company did not. They used an outside provider for networking and security, and the individuals that worked our account were difficult at best to work with.