Price of version 13

I have by far the best networking team. They trust me because I started out their as a tech working under the network admin and got promoted a couple of times since I started. I'm now no longer on the tech support side, I support our website and an application we use instead.

You, dear sir, are lucky as hell. And you sound like you have a job you enjoy and are equally good at. I can't express how fortunate you are. Keep going and don't let the corporate world kill you little by little on the inside.

I work in local government!

Sometimes reality requires survival mode.
This is when your intelligence. personal skills, and experience all matter in ways it may seem you will never get credit for. But that is what will carry you through.

Yep, it is hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys.
Don't lose yourself ! That is the worst outcome there is. It will all come out in the end.

I'm ready for Dopus 13 now !
I still have the dual licence I bought starting with Directory Opus 6.
I have never used all of it. At most I've just done a PC and a laptop.
But I still want it. I think it is worth keeping up.

Edit Note:
Even Stardock licences are now a subscription.
Be Happy !


Stardock offers a subscription, you can still buy just a license. Although I've found their products to be unpolished and buggy. I use StartAllBack and that single dev does a much better job than all of Stardock.

Bro - x100000 for the comment "their products are buggy". They make flashy looking programs and they have great ideas but their follow through is ATROCIOUS. HORRIBLE. COMPLETE POTATOE.

In contrast, I find that GPSoftware may be taking their time, but they amazingly WONT BUDGE and REFUSE TO RELEASE AN IMPERFECT PRODUCT. We need to take a moment and appreciate how few companies do this nowadays. It's almost unheard of really. If this was Blizzard or Microsott, they would have released v13 two years ago, but have released 15 major patches, half of which potentially crippled your machine.

I give them the credit the qualitiy of their work demands. :ok_hand:


That's how it previously was here. I was the one to do all the work. Now I can't even update Adobe Acrobat without needing to call the IT people to enter their credentials! They told me their main problem with Opus is that it wants root level access and wants access alter registry entries. I also have a custom Outlook ribbon that i made myself with Visual Studio. They are saying they don't want to allow me to use that because I could unknowingly put malicious code in it. It's my code. I know it's not malicious. I've been using it since 2017! So now i have to hit the "Allow programmatic access" every 10 minutes. I'm due to send invoices out next week (~100). I use access to compile it all and send to each customer. I will now get a pop up that has a little progress bar that i have to wait on to finish, then click Allow for every single email it sends.

I'm fighting hard for it. They are now wanting to just write powershell scripts for me to replace the need for Opus. That's laughable. I can create powershell scripts to replicate a lot of it myself. but it's not going to give me dual panes and labels and easy to access buttons for browsing! There is no replacing opus! It's one of a kind.

Only during installation, which is normal for most applications.


Make it hard for them, just not how they would expect it.

Request any software you use to undergo standard certification process (they have to accept software somehow, right?). Make sure your superiors know how lame the IT is - that they veil their incompetence and laziness and fake their importance with artificial procedures and obstacles. Make different IT teams contradict themselves and bring it out. It's always nice when you can bring them some real solution and demand that use it. Keep a log of everything. Always underline that this is you who know the best way to do your work. Make them look stupid and have evidence for this.

And in the first place, demand more money (in any form) to continue working and/or push your completion dates well forward. You are not supposed to work in the same way in much degraded environment.

My team is going to start using a 5k USD/month software instance soon (plus infrastructure costs), just because IT doesn't want/can't set us up to use one of the shared instances. We will use it in like 1% maybe at most. I have already bought popcorn.

@Leo @Jon @Greg are certainly amazing developers. I feel restricted when I use a computer without Directory Opus. Also my floating toolbar gets more use than my start menu. I think once you get Directory Opus set up right the need for Start 11 and Fences is reduced.

I mainly use StartAllBack for the taskbar improvements and dark mode in many areas of Windows. I would suggest that over anything made by Stardock. SAB injects itself into explorer.exe without running any extra processes. It reimplements features that were once built into Windows so everything feels and looks native.


Iā€™m considering purchasing Fences because my desktop is a mess and somehow, Windows 10 loves to mess up my arrangements once a while. How can Dopus replaced Fences? Do you have any tip on this?

Floating toolbars

Not exactly what I had in mind. Floating toolbar means I have to customize each button to launch an app or to edit a file - it's not 'drag and drop' from Desktop to the toolbar, which I imagined what Fences could do. Thanks though. There are some app I may put into the toolbar to reduce the clutter, somewhat.


You can drag and drop shortcuts on to it. Open shell:start menu or shell:common start menu.

Thanks for the tip. My research to what you pointed lead me to


which will generate everything shortcut, files, etc in the Desktop as a floating toolbar, which meet my requirement. Now I just need to "beautify" it some what or, find a way to create multiple floating toolbar for Apps, Games, Files, etc

I think we have derailed this topic too much.. sorry, everyone. Thanks @mackid1993

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No problem, if you want to make a new thread and ping me I can try and help you. Opus can do a lot and it isn't always visible on the Surface. Fences is a buggy mess btw.

Is release still targeted for January? Any info on upgrade pricing? I'm setting aside 60 USD but not sure if that is enough or if I need more.
