You can click on a column to sort files on that column but when you go up a level, the sorting field for the upper level has also changed.
If there a way to get DOpus to remember the sorting field on an individual folder basis?
You can click on a column to sort files on that column but when you go up a level, the sorting field for the upper level has also changed.
If there a way to get DOpus to remember the sorting field on an individual folder basis?
If you want a folder to always be sorted by a different column, you can save the folder options for that folder. When you enter the folder it will automatically sort that way, and when you go up a level it will go back to sorting the other way (since each folder will be using a different format).
On the other hand, if you are in a folder and manually change the sort order, that change will be kept if you then navigate to another folder which uses the same format. This is usually useful, else if you want to view things in several folders sorted in an unusual way, you would have to either turn on the format lock or keep changing the sort order every time you changed folders. (Where that isn't the case, you only have to change the sort column back once, so the trade off between the two scenarios is best the way it is currently.)
I have tried saving the folder options but it doesn't work - i.e. next time I go into the same folder the sort field is not remembered from before.
If you usr Save > For This Folder from the folder options dialog, with the sort column set as you want, that should work unless you are using a layout or similar to go to the folder in a way which overrides its normal format.
"If you usr Save > For This Folder from the folder options dialog, with the sort column set as you want, that should work..."
I am doing this but it does not work.
"... unless you are using a layout or similar to go to the folder in a way which overrides its normal format."
I'm afraid I don't really understand what you mean by this but I am not aware of doing anything unusual.
If you go to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats and expand the Path Formats section at the top, is a format listed for the folder in question?
If not, then the folder options didn't get saved for some reason. On the other hand, if it is in the list, open a new lister and go to the folder, then hover the mouse over the format lock icon in the status bar. Do not click the icon, but see what the tooltip that appears says about where the current format is coming from.
(The icon should look like the ones in the screenshot, too. If it is closed instead of open then that will be part of the problem; let us know if that is the case.)
(Folder Formats: Quick Guide, Folder Formats: Detailed Guide and Folder Formats: Special Folders (Computer, Network, etc.) may also help in case it is something I have not thought of.)
If you go to Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats and expand the Path Formats section at the top, is a format listed for the folder in question?
... if it is in the list, open a new lister and go to the folder, then hover the mouse over the format lock icon in the status bar. Do not click the icon, but see what the tooltip that appears says about where the current format is coming from.
There is no status bar displayed
The status bar is on by default and will be at the bottom of each lister unless it has been turned off.
If it has been turned off, it can be toggled via this menu in the default toolbars:
The padlock icon was locked. I have now unlocked it and the problem is solved.
Many thanks for your help
If you haven't already, after unlocking the padlock, you'll probably want to use Settings -> Set As Default Lister to make that your new default.
(Other things such as Layouts and Styles can also store the lock state and may need updating if you use them. If you don't know what they are then you can probably ignore them.)