Unchecking "Include Files Stored on This Computer" hides certain folders. However, some files are still displayed. Is there a way to completely remove that section? Everytime I open This PC, that section is expanded.
Silly question but did you click Apply/OK after the change?
Not silly at all! I once spent 12 minutes trying to fix a monitor that wouldn't turn on, before I realized it wasn't plugged in!
Yes, I had turned this off since April 3, when I wrote this post:
At the time, I only had folders (Documents, etc.) so unchecking this helped. But now I have files.
Found a temporary solution. In the format windows for My PC, in tab "Hide Filters, I put a star in “Hide Filters”, and the files are gone.
Are you able to locate the files which were appearing there? If so, which folder are/were they in?
Yes, I know which files they were based on their names. There were in a folder called "F:\ASSETS\PRESETS\AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPTS\PRODUCTIVITY\TEXT REPLACEMENT MENU"
They were the last files I edited and deleted (they were .bak files I saved at various stages of coding, and deleted after the script has been tested and working.
The files in the "This PC" window could not be selected, moved or copied; even right-clicking them gave no context menu. Almost like ghosts, they were frozen representations of ghost files.
If you create new files in that folder, then refresh This PC (with any filtering turned off), do they appear there?
Or do the original files still appear there after using File > Exit Directory Opus, and then restarting the program?
I have an idea about where they came from now, but they'd only be there until Opus (or the PC) was restarted if I'm right.
It appears that they disappear if I close Opus from the taskbar and then reopen it.
However, I discovered that this issue only occurs with backup files or folders created with the backup script written by @ThioJoe .
I hope this information will be helpful in resolving the problem.
In the meantime, I made a button that runs a python script (.pyw to hide the cmd window) to restart Opus using its API as described here:
import psutil
import subprocess
# Define the path to the Directory Opus executables
dopusrt_path = r"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\DOpusRT.exe"
dopus_path = r"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe"
# Define startup info to prevent a new command prompt window from being created
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
# Find the Directory Opus process
dopus_procs = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'exe']) if proc.info['exe'] == dopus_path]
# Tell Directory Opus to exit
subprocess.run([dopusrt_path, "/CMD", "Close", "PROGRAM"], startupinfo=startupinfo)
# Wait for Directory Opus to close
# Restart Directory Opus
subprocess.Popen([dopusrt_path, "/runopus"], startupinfo=startupinfo)
This might be related to an issue I noticed where with an old version of my .bak script, some of the .bak files would still show even after deleting them. But I have since updated that script and it doesn't do it anymore. I would try using the .bak script with the version updated on 5/21/24 (The thread you linked has the latest version).
I think the issue had something to do with how v13 shows the temporary files icons when files are being copied. Before it did this:
'Copy "' + selectedFile + '" AS *' + backupExtension + newBakNum + ' HERE';
But now it does:
'Copy DUPLICATE "' + selectedItem + '" AS *' + backupExtension + newBakNum;
@Leo this original version of the script does it if you wanted to investigate: Add files via upload · ThioJoe/D-Opus-Scripts@5b12d43 · GitHub
To reproduce use it you'd just use the button to create a .bak file, then delete it and refresh the lister and it shows back up but half transparent and can't be deleted (or even right clicked apparently).
Interestingly, I didn’t encounter any problems with your 2022 script initially because I modified it to include additional parameters such as date and time for the backup file. However, the issue of ghost files appearing in the “Files Stored on This Computer” section of "This PC", which I’m experiencing, isn’t shown in your video screenshot.
I tested your original 2022 script and the results were identical to yours, except that I didn’t see any ghost files in "This PC".
When I tried the new script, I didn’t see your ghost files in the folder where the backup files are stored. But, I still saw ghost files in the "This PC" section. These ghost files only disappear when I restart Opus using my .pyw file. Simply closing Opus from the taskbar doesn’t resolve the issue because it only closes the dopus.exe process, not the DOpusRT.exe process.
Here I show using both the 2022 and 2024 script. (Yes, I should have just created two buttons to save time, silly me )
Hm actually I see that the ghost file appears for me also in 'Files Stored on This Computer' even with the latest script version, even though they don't stick around in the original folder. Not sure how I never noticed it before.
Definitely a bug. Opus is getting confused and displaying the ghost files in the wrong place. It's on our list to fix.