I have modified Wilser's original buttons so that they use the Star Ratings Icon-Set (or any alternative icon-set which uses the same icon names, ratings0 to ratings5), to save you having to edit the buttons.
Example screenshot:
This shows two ways of using the buttons: In a menu and on the toolbar directly. The download gives you the menu version; if you want the toolbar version, go into Customize mode and drag the stars from the menu out to your toolbar.
I can't get this to work for me. There is nowhere that it will accept the drop. The mouse cursor icon says in the 'default toolbars' tab that it did accept the drop, but this didn't appear anywhere.
I dropped it on the user commands. It added a command but don't think that did much.
Dropped it on editing a new button. That didn't work. Now I have a star icon on my toolbar that I can click on that's a dud.
(It would be nice to have this up top globally, and have the ratings column appear only for media folders).
Right. I mistook dragging the file into the customize window, instead of Opus simply being in customize mode. Yikes. I knew it was something easy like that.