Star Ratings Icon-Set

Star Ratings Icon-Set

  • Six icons in large (32x32) and small (22x22) sizes.
  • Based on the Directory Opus 10 'favorites' icon by Cris van Minnen.
  • Idea/design by Wilser, who posted similar icons. I was going to turn Wilser's icons into an icon-set to make them easier to use, but I found they didn't look good on all background colours (fringing around the shadows), so I decided to re-make them.

Examples of the icons on toolbars & menus:

(To re-create these, see the separate Star Ratings Buttons/Menu thread.)

Installing the icon-set:

  • (8.33 KB)

  • Extract StarRatings.dis from the zip.

  • Go to Preferences / Toolbars / Icons and click the Import button above the list.

  • Choose StarRatings.dis.

Alternative Icon-Sets (Icon Names):

If you want to create alternative icon-sets for the same purpose, name the icons rating0 through to rating5 so that any buttons/toolbars made for this icon-set will automatically use your icon-set instead if it is installed.

Photoshop source file:

Here's the PSD file used to create the icons, for anyone who has Photoshop and wants to tweak them: (29.6 KB)


StarRatings12.dis (24.6 KB)

Updated with V12 graphical style and DPI scaling in the XML.

2022-08-03 01-25-07 Clipboard Image