I cannot get .doc and .xls to show in the viewer pane. The viewer pane gives the name of the file at the top and says "(loading)" for a fraction of a second and then goes grey.
Bizarrely, some .doc files render as thumbnails but some don't.
I have OpenOffice 3.0.1 and after having read similar threads on here I have installed Microsoft Word Viewer and Excel Viewer but still no joy.
Since you're using Open Office it's probably easiest to:
[ol][li]Install the Open Office ActiveX control, as described under How to view Open Office documents at the top of the ActiveX plugin thread.
[li]Turn off the Microsoft Office line in the ActiveX plugin's configuration (to prevent the Microsoft viewers getting in the way or slowing things down, if they are not working currently).
[li]Finally, add the MS Office file extensions to the Internet Explorer line in the ActiveX plugin's configuration. (This is because Open Office's ActiveX control will give IE the ability to show those file formats, and so Opus can use an embedded IE window to show them.)[/li][/ol]
It's possible that .doc files are like .pdf files where you only get a thumbnail if one was saved into. Either way, you should see the same thing in Explorer as there's no code in Opus itself to generate .doc thumbnails. When Opus doesn't have its own code to generate a thumbnail it will ask 3rd party components which have plugged themselves into the Shell (Windows Explorer).
I had previously followed your instructions and done point 1.
I have now done points 2 and 3.
Now when I single click on a file I get "File Download - Do you want to Open or Save this file" and when I select "Open" I get this message in the Viewer Pane:
( Big I in a circle) "Navigation to the web page was canceled. What you can try. Retype the address."
Then the document is opened as a stand alone OpenOffice document - ie what I would expect if I double clicked the file.
I do have Internet Explorer on my machine but Firefox 3.0.10 is set as the default.