We have just released a first beta of our DOpus Universal Graphics Viewer Plugin (utilising the excellent GFL graphics library), with support for HDR (and lots of other formats - see plugin About dialog for full list of supported file extensions). We hope to add support for EXR in the near future.
You can grab it from zwickysoft.com/download.htm
The original download links are not working at the moment. For the moment, you can download the plugin from:
DOpus UGV Plugin for Opus 32-bit DVP_UGV_Win32.zip (636.4 KB)
DOpus UGV Plugin for Opus 64-bit DVP_UGV_Win64.zip (1.4 MB)
To install, just extract the contents of the ZIP archive to the Directory Opus program folder (usually C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus).
There are a few things to finish off, including the website, but you can use it to view HDR files.
Please contact us with any comments, suggestions and bug reports.
Supported Formats:
(Note: This is a list of formats that the GFL supports. Some of these formats are already supported by Opus and will work already without the plugin.)
AVT RAW: .raw Ability Photopaint Image: .apx Adobe Illustrator: .ai Adobe Photoshop: .psd Alias Image File: .pix .als .alias Amiga IFF: .iff .blk Autodesk Animator: .fli .flc Bio-Rad confocal: .pic CALS Raster: .cal .cals .gp4 .mil Camera RAW: .raw Canon EOS-1D Mark II RAW: .cr2 Canon PowerShot: .crw Casio QV-10/100 Camera: .cam Casio RAW: .bay .raw Chinon ES-1000 digital camera: .cmt Cloe Ray-Tracer: .clo .cloe CompuServe GIF: .gif .giff Contax RAW: .bay .raw Creative PC-CAM RAW: .bay .raw DKB Ray-Tracer: .dis DNG: .dng DPX: .dpx Deluxe Paint, Electronic Arts: .lbm .ilbm Digital F/X: .tdim Direct Draw Surface: .dds EPS Interchange Format: .epi .ept Electric Image: .ei .eidi Encapsulated Postscript(Preview): .eps Encapsulated Postscript: .ps .eps Epson RAW: .erf Explore (TDI) & Maya: .iff .tdi Foculus RAW: .bay .raw Fugawi Map: .fx3 Fuji S2 RAW: .raf Gimp Bitmap: .xcf Gimp Brush: .gbr Gimp Icon: .ico Gimp Pattern: .pat HDRI: .hdr .hdri Hasselblad RAW: .3fr Icon Library: .icl Imacon/Hasselblad RAW: .fff Image Magick file: .mif .miff Imaging Fax: .g3n Intergraph Format: .itg .cit .rle JPEG / JFIF: .jpg .jpeg .jif .jfif .j .jpe JPEG 8BIM header (Mac): .jpg .jpeg .jif .jfif .j .jpe Jeff's Image Format: .jif Kodak Cineon: .cin Kodak DC120 Digital Camera: .kdc Kodak DC120 Digital Camera: .kdc Kodak DC25 Camera: .k25 Kodak Photo CD: .pcd Kodak Pro Digital RAW: .dcr Kolor Raw Format: .kro Konica Camera File: .kqp Leaf RAW: .mos Leica RAW: .bay .raw Leica RAW: .rwl LucasFilm Format: .lff MTV Ray-Tracer: .mtv Mac icon: .icns Mac rsrc: .rsrc Macintosh Quickdraw/Pict: .pic .pict .pict2 .pct Mamiya RAW: .mef Mayura Draw: .pdx Micron RAW: .bay .raw Minolta DiMAGE RAW: .mrw Multiple Network Graphics: .mng Nikon RAW: .nef Nikon RAW: .nrw OS/2 Bitmap: .bmp .bga Olympus RAW: .orf Olympus Scan: .ols Open Image Library Format: .oil PS2 TXC: .txc PaintShopPro Browser Cache File: .jbf PaintShopPro Brush: .jbr PaintShopPro Brush: .pspbrush PaintShopPro Frame: .pfr .pspframe PaintShopPro Image: .psp .pspimage PaintShopPro Mask: .msk PaintShopPro Mask: .pspmask PaintShopPro Pattern: .pat PaintShopPro Picture Tube: .tub .psptube PaintShopPro Texture: .tex Palm Pilot: .pdb Panasonic DMC-LC1 RAW: .srf Panasonic LX3 RAW: .rw2 Panasonic RAW: .bay .raw Pegs: .pxs .pxa Pentax *ist D: .pef Picture Gear Pocket: .prc Pixar picture file: .pic .pxr .picio .pixar Pixibox: .pxb Portable Bitmap: .pbm .rpbm .ppma Portable Document Format: .pdf Portable Greyscale: .pgm .rpgm Portable Image: .pnm .rpnm .pbm .rpbm .pgm .rpgm .ppm .rppm Portable Network Graphics: .png .apng Portable Pixmap: .ppm .rppm Postscript: .ps .ps1 .ps2 .ps3 .eps .prn Psion Series 3 Bitmap: .pic Psion Series 5 Bitmap: .mbm Qrt Ray-Tracer: .qrt Quantel VPB: .vpb QuickTime Image Format: .qtif .qti Raw: .raw .gry .grey Raw: .rawraw .gry .grey Rayshade: .pic Red Storm File Format: .rsb Ricoh Digital Camera: .j6i Rollei RAW: .rdc .ia RoverShot RAW: .bay .raw ST Micro RAW: .bay .raw SciTex Continuous Tone: .sct .ct .ch Seattle Film Works multi-image: .pwp .sfw Seattle Film Works: .sfw Sega SJ-1 DIGIO: .sj1 Sigma RAW: .x3f Silicon Graphics RGB: .rgb .rgba .bw .iris .sgi .int .inta Sinar RAW: .cs1 .sti Softimage: .pic .si Sony DSC-F1 Cyber-shot: .pmp Sony DSC-F828 RAW: .srf Sony PS2 TIM: .tm2 Sony Playstation TIM: .tim Sony RAW: .sr2 .arw Sun Icon/Cursor: .icon .cursor .ico .pr Sun Rasterfile: .ras .rast .sun .sr .scr .rs Sun TAAC file: .iff .vff .suniff .taac Synthetic Universe: .syn .synu TIFF Revision 6: .tif .tim .tiff Truevision Targa: .tga .targa .pix .bpx .ivb Utah raster image: .rle .urt Vista: .vst Vivid Ray-Tracer: .img Wavefront Raster file: .rla .rlb .rpf WinFAX: .fxs .fxo .wfx .fxr .fxd .fxm Windows & Aldus Metafile: .wmf Windows Animated Cursor: .ani Windows Bitmap: .bmp .rle .vga .rl4 .rl8 .sys Windows Clipboard: .clp Windows Comp. Enhanced Metafile: .emz Windows Compressed Metafile: .wmz Windows Cursor: .cur Windows DIB: .dib Windows Enhanced Metafile: .emf Windows Icon: .ico Wireless Bitmap (level 0): .wbmp .wbm .wap X Windows System dump: .xwd .x11 X11 Bitmap: .xbm .bm X11 Pixmap: .xpm .pm XV Visual Schnauzer: .p7 YUV 16Bits Interleaved: .yuv .qtl .uyvy YUV 16Bits: .yuv .qtl .uyvy YUV 4:1:1: .yuv .qtl YUV 4:2:2: .yuv .qtl YUV 4:4:4: .yuv .qtl Zsoft Multi-page Paintbrush: .dcx Zsoft Publisher's Paintbrush: .pcx .pcc .dcx
Supported File Extensions:
.3fr .ai .alias .als .ani .apng .apx .arw .bay .bga .blk .bm .bmp .bpx .bw .cal .cals .cam .ch .cin .cit .clo .cloe .clp .cmt .cr2 .crw .cs1 .ct .cur .cursor .dcr .dcx .dds .dib .dis .dng .dpx .ei .eidi .emf .emz .epi .eps .ept .erf .fff .flc .fli .fx3 .fxd .fxm .fxo .fxr .fxs .g3n .gbr .gif .giff .gp4 .grey .gry .hdr .hdri .ia .icl .icns .ico .icon .iff .ilbm .img .int .inta .iris .itg .ivb .j .j6i .jbf .jbr .jfif .jif .jpe .jpeg .jpg .k25 .kdc .kqp .kro .lbm .lff .mbm .mef .mif .miff .mil .mng .mos .mrw .msk .mtv .nef .nrw .oil .ols .orf .p7 .pat .pbm .pcc .pcd .pct .pcx .pdb .pdf .pdx .pef .pfr .pgm .pic .picio .pict .pict2 .pix .pixar .pm .pmp .png .pnm .ppm .ppma .pr .prc .prn .ps .ps1 .ps2 .ps3 .psd .psp .pspbrush .pspframe .pspimage .pspmask .psptube .pwp .pxa .pxb .pxr .pxs .qrt .qti .qtif .qtl .raf .ras .rast .raw .rawraw .rdc .rgb .rgba .rl4 .rl8 .rla .rlb .rle .rpbm .rpf .rpgm .rpnm .rppm .rs .rsb .rsrc .rw2 .rwl .scr .sct .sfw .sgi .si .sj1 .sr .sr2 .srf .sti .sun .suniff .syn .synu .sys .taac .targa .tdi .tdim .tex .tga .tif .tiff .tim .tm2 .tub .txc .urt .uyvy .vff .vga .vpb .vst .wap .wbm .wbmp .wfx .wmf .wmz .x11 .x3f .xbm .xcf .xpm .xwd .yuv