This is an updated Version of the MovieDB Poster Downloader Script utilizing the new DOpus 11 Script functionality.
This script will add a new command to DOpus to download Movie Poster, Backdrops and Information from
Open Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts, then download TheMovieDB Downloader.osp (below) and drag it to the list. TheMovieDB Downloader.osp (18.8 KB)
Once the script is installed there is a new command TheMovieDB-Downloader availabe in the command editor. You can find some information about the command and config parameters in the about dialog of the script add-in.
To facilitate the first steps, here is an example Menu Button to show the functionality. Just download the dcf file and drag it to a toolbar while in customize mode. TheMovieDB Downloader.dcf (2.23 KB)
Feel free to use, optimize and enhance the script. Please post your changes in this thread of the Dopus Resource Centre forum.
I have DO 11. I have installed the script (about says it is 2.0.1), and have installed the toolbar button. I select the movie file I'd like to download for but nothing happens. Is it the naming convention? My movies are all named with the title and the year, like "While You Were Sleeping (1995).m4v". I tried with the year, and without and got nothing. Any suggestion to what I should try? also, Is there a way that it could ignore what's in parentheses? Since all my movies have the year in parentheses I'm hoping I don't have to change that to use this.
Thanks for any guidance!
you don't have to change your naming scheme, you just have to use the "TITLEREGEXP" parameter.
Regular expression to extract the movie title from the filename. Movie Title must end in the $1 group. Default: (.*)
In your case with the year in parenthesis, and assuming that the actual movie title is before the opening parenthesis and everything after is something else this command should work:
Ok, the above worked. Looks like the problem I was originally having with nothing happening was related to DOpus having internet connection problems. Once that was fixed it worked as intended. However, regarding the year in parentheses and anything afterward, how do I add this line that you wrote above to it? also, is there any way that it can read the movie name despite missing a character? for exmaple, "X-men: Days of future past", I've replaced my colon with a space because I can't name a file with that character (:). So is it possible for it to search it and find it even though tmdb has it with the colon?
Thanks for the great script!
"TheMovieDB-Downloader" is a custom command, "TITLEREGEXP" a Parameter you could use to extract the Movie Title from the file name with the help of a RegExp.
The Script just passes the extracted title as search string to TheMovieDBs API, therefore it depends on their search algorithm what is found and what not. Often it works without the colon. Maybe because their is an alternate title in the tmdb or maybe the search engine is smart enough.
Ok, I think I finally got it, per your instructions and the instructions in the link. It works great!! I think the reason I was having trouble previously is because I needed a restart and update to the latest version.
Thanks again for such a wonderful script, it has saved me a lot of time!
File: Die Hard.avi
Command: TheMovieDB-Downloader FILE {filepath$}
File: Die Hard (1988).avi
Command: TheMovieDB-Downloader FILE {filepath$} TITLEREGEXP="(.*)\(.*" ERRFILE
The TITLEREGEXP should contain a regular expression that extracts the movie title from the actual file name. The Movie Title must end in the first group (expression within the first "()" ). Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: No Movie found on for: Xmen Origins Wolverine - German
Fehler in Zeile 1, Position 5
@script vbscript
UngĂĽltiges Zeichen (0x800a0408)
Parsefehler - Skript abgebrochen Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from Poster&Info Downloader: General failure getting response from
{filename$} {filepath$}
looks not right. try it without the additional filename.
Hmm, "general failure" could be everything no internet connection, wrong proxy settings, service down,
set LogLevel to Debug in the Script Config to get more information from the script.
No movie found due to wrong Title
the api will find everything that is "similar" to one of the alternate titles of the movie ( ... lease-info). eg. "X-Men Origins Wolverine" would work, while your title "Xmen Origins Wolverine - German" would not.
That's probably an error from an other script, as the MovieDB script is jscript and not vbscript
Add command switches "BACKDROP INFOFILE". As you already have them in your command in lowercase dopus probably requires them in upper case, but haven't verified myself.