This script adds a ClipAttr
ClipAttr COPY
will copy the Created and Modified timestamps from all selected folders & files into a variable (which acts like the clipboard, but does not modify your actual clipboard). -
ClipAttr PASTE
will set the Created and Modified timestamps on all selected folders & files to match the values copied earlier. -
If you don't have the same number of items selected when you copy and when you paste, the list of timestamps will loop around (if needed).
In particular, if you use
ClipAttr COPY
on a single item, and then select lots of items and useClipAttr PASTE
, you can paste one item's timestamps over lots of other items.You will usually either copy just one timestamp to apply to however many items, or copy and paste between the same number of items, but you don't have to.
Download Clipboard_Attributes.vbs.txt and drag it to Settings > Scripts (Opus 12 and older: Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts).
Clipboard_Attributes.vbs.txt (2.72 KB)
With the script installed, you can create toolbar buttons or hotkeys which use the
command, as described in the overview section above. -
Here are two pre-made buttons you can drag to a toolbar:
Copy Dates.dcf (252 Bytes)
Paste Dates.dcf (250 Bytes)
- 1.0 (18/May/2015): Initial version.
- The 'clipboard' of stored timestamps does not persist if you exit and restart Opus. (This could be added if needed.)
- Timestamp precision is only up to 1 second. Exact millisecond timestamps are not set at present.
Script code:
The script code from the download above is reproduced below. This is for people browsing the forum for scripting techniques. You do not need to care about this code if you just want to use the script.
option explicit
' Clipboard Attributes
' (C) 2015 Leo Davidson
' This is a script for Directory Opus.
' See http://www.gpsoft.com.au/DScripts/redirect.asp?page=scripts for development information.
' Called by Directory Opus to initialize the script
Function OnInit(initData)
initData.name = "Clipboard Attributes"
initData.desc = "Copy and paste file timestamps"
initData.copyright = "(C) 2015 Leo Davidson"
initData.version = "1.0"
initData.default_enable = true
Dim cmd
Set cmd = initData.AddCommand
cmd.name = "ClipAttr"
cmd.method = "OnClipAttr"
cmd.desc = ""
cmd.label = "ClipAttr"
cmd.template = "COPY/S,PASTE/S"
End Function
' Implement the ClipAttr command
Function OnClipAttr(scriptCmdData)
If (scriptCmdData.Func.args.got_arg.COPY) Then
ElseIf (scriptCmdData.Func.args.got_arg.PASTE) Then
End If
End Function
Function ZeroPad(s,c)
ZeroPad = s
Do While (Len(ZeroPad) < c)
ZeroPad = "0" & ZeroPad
End Function
Function DateTimeForCmd(d)
DateTimeForCmd = ZeroPad(d.year,4) & "-" & ZeroPad(d.month,2) & "-" & ZeroPad(d.day,2) & " " _
& ZeroPad(d.hour,2) & ":" & ZeroPad(d.min,2) & ":" & ZeroPad(d.sec,2)
End Function
Function OnClipAttrCopy(scriptCmdData)
scriptCmdData.func.command.deselect = False
Dim vecModified, vecCreated, fileItem
Set vecModified = DOpus.Create.Vector
Set vecCreated = DOpus.Create.Vector
For Each fileItem in scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected
vecModified.push_back( fileItem.modify )
vecCreated.push_back( fileitem.create )
Dim varMod, varCre
Set varMod = Script.vars("vecModified")
Set varCre = Script.vars("vecCreated")
varMod.value = vecModified
' varMod.persist = True
varCre.value = vecCreated
' varCre.persist = True
End Function
Function OnClipAttrPaste(scriptCmdData)
Dim cmd, cmdLine
Set cmd = scriptCmdData.func.command
cmd.deselect = False
If (Not (Script.vars.Exists("vecModified") And Script.vars.Exists("vecCreated"))) Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim vecModified, vecCreated, mi, mt, ci, ct, fileItem
Set vecModified = Script.vars.Get("vecModified")
Set vecCreated = Script.vars.Get("vecCreated")
mi = 0
ci = 0
mt = vecModified.count
ct = vecCreated.count
If (mt = 0 Or ct = 0) Then
Exit Function
End If
For Each fileItem in scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.selected
cmdLine = "SetAttr MODIFIED=""" & DateTimeForCmd(vecModified(mi)) _
& """ CREATED=""" & DateTimeForCmd(vecCreated(ci)) & """"
cmd.AddFile fileItem
mi = mi + 1
ci = ci + 1
If (mi >= mt) Then mi = 0
If (ci >= ct) Then ci = 0
End Function